Changing lives, one education at a time.

From Malawi to all of Africa, we seek to change mindsets and lives.
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‘I want to become a doctor’
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About Us

Africa Innovate is a nonprofit organization registered in Malawi in 2020 with a purpose of inspiring the passion of students in naturing their talents into ventures and building the capacity of youth, women and SMEs through innovative and impactful solutions towards a self-sustainable African economy.

Our Mission

To promote innovation and entrepreneurial empowerment in Malawi and all Africa through mindset change and capacity building towards achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in particular goals number 1 (No poverty) and number 8 (decent work and economic growth).

Our Vision

The existence of an economy with a favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurial growth across all of Africa as evidenced by empowered and successful innovative businesses.

Our Core values

Human Centered: We work with and for the people
Collaboration: Africa Innovate believes in the power of collaboration
Transparency: We practice accountability and integrity in the work we do
Excellence: Africa Innovate is committed to excellence in all its endeavors
Impact-Driven: We place a strong emphasis on creating meaningful impact in the communities that we serve
Inclusivity and Diversity: Africa Innovate appreciates that innovation and entrepreneurship thrive in environments that embrace different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences

Our Objectives


Facilitate Access to Resources: Africa Innovate aims to ensure that aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and innovators in Africa have access to essential resources such as capital, mentorship, training programs, and market opportunities.

Foster Innovation and Technological Advancement: Africa Innovate seeks to foster a culture of innovation and technological advancement across the continent. It encourages entrepreneurs to embrace cutting-edge technologies, disruptive business models, and innovative solutions that address local challenges and drive economic growth.
Facilitate Capacity Building and Skills Development: Africa Innovate aims to enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities and skills of individuals by providing training, workshops, and mentorship programs. It focuses on equipping entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today's competitive business environment.
Support Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development: Africa Innovate works to build a robust and supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Africa. It collaborates with stakeholders such as government agencies, educational institutions, investors, and industry experts to create an environment that fosters entrepreneurship, innovation, and collaboration.
Promote Access to Funding and Investment Opportunities: Africa Innovate strives to improve access to funding and investment opportunities for entrepreneurs. It connects entrepreneurs with potential investors, angel networks, venture capitalists, and financial institutions to help them secure the necessary funding to start or scale their businesses.
Encourage Sustainable and Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship: Africa Innovate promotes sustainable and socially responsible entrepreneurship. It supports businesses that prioritize environmental sustainability, social impact, and ethical practices, encouraging entrepreneurs to create positive change while considering the long-term consequences of their actions.
Foster Cross-border Collaboration and Networking: Africa Innovate facilitates cross-border collaboration and networking among entrepreneurs in Africa. It organizes events, conferences, and platforms where entrepreneurs can connect, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and explore opportunities for growth and expansion.
Measure and Evaluate Impact: Africa Innovate seeks to measure and evaluate its impact on entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. It establishes key performance indicators and conducts assessments to ensure that its programs and initiatives are effectively supporting entrepreneurs, innovators and driving positive change in communities.
Our hope starts here.
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Watch Our Story 
Parents can't afford exam fees for kids to progress at primary school
Youth unemployment rate in Malawi
of our pilot school students paid no school fees
of our pilot school students paid no school fees
‘I don't know if I would be here right now’
We need your help
Without education, human development languishes
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